News Elements and Value

News Elements and Value
It is certain that a story is written based on real events. However, not all real events deserve to be reported (written by journalists and published in the mass media). Hali is related to the attractiveness of an event, which of course in the end relates to whether or not a mass media is read.
The main key to the feasibility of an event being reported is an important (or not) element of an event and interesting (or not) an event. There are six elements that can be used to determine the importance and attractiveness of an event. The six elements are sorted from important (top) to interesting (bottom).
Significance, which is an event that has the potential to affect the lives of many people, which has an effect on the reader.
Timeliness (time), i.e. events that involve things that just happened, or were just conveyed.
Magnitude (large), which is an event that involves numbers that are meaningful to the lives of many people.
Proximity, which is an event that is close to the reader, geographically close, can also be emotionally close.
Prominence (fame), which is an event that involves things that are famous or very well known by the reader.
Human interest, which is an event that gives a touch of feeling to the reader.
In a slightly different formula it can be said that an event is worth reporting if
is an actual event (most recently happened)
associated with famous figures (public figures)
related to large numbers
rare event (rare)
unique events (other than others)
close (location or emotional) to the reader
there is a human element
related to the environment (human survival)
News Value (News Eligible Size)
Every news on the page and a journalist has different levels of news worth, depending on how many of the following conditions can be fulfilled.
Significance, meaning events that have the possibility of influencing the lives of many people
The magnitude of something or quantity, that is, events involving numbers that are meaningful to the lives of many people, or events that can have consequences that can add up to the number of shapes that are of interest to the reader.

Be on time, that is, concerning matters that have just happened or have just been discovered.
Closeness, which is an event close to the reader, both geographically and emotionally close.
Fame, which is an event involving a character or things that are well known or known by the reader (public figure)
The human aspect (human intersection), namely events that touch the reader's feelings (touching), or events involving ordinary people and extraordinary situations, or large people (famous) in ordinary situations.
Objective: based on facts, not taking sides.
Actual: the latest, not "stale".
Incredible: big, weird, odd, unusual.
Distance: familiarity, closeness (geographical, cultural, psychological).
Based on this description, it can be said that the value of a news is determined by several components, namely interest (self interest), money (money), sex, contention, (conflict), interest insane (human interst), tension (suspense), fame ( fame), Beauty (beauty), age (age), and crime (crime).

News Elements 5w + 1h
According to Inung Cahya (quoted by Planetxperia, November 2013), elements in the news must meet the answers to 6 questions, namely 5W + 1H (what, who, when, where, why, and how).
1.What (What), ask what event or what event happened.
2. Who (Who), used to ask who the perpetrators in the incident.
3. When (When), it is useful to ask when the event occurred.
4. Why (why), used to ask why the incident occurred.
5.Where (Where), used to ask the position where.
6. How (How), used to ask how events happened.
After discussing the elements of the news then we try to discuss in full the terms in a news. In the news must meet several requirements so that in the news the information is truly original and not fabricated.