Definition of Social Competence

Definition of Social Competence
Social competence is the ability of teachers to adjust to the demands of work in the surrounding environment when carrying out their duties as a teacher. The role that teachers carry in society is different from other professions. Therefore, the attention given by the community towards teachers is different and there is a specificity especially the demand to be a pioneer of development in the area where the teacher lives.
Some social competencies that teachers need to have, among others; communicating skillfully, being sympathetic, being able to work with the Board of Education / School Committee, being good at getting along with colleagues and educational partners, and understanding the world around them (the environment).

What is meant by social competence in Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005, in article 28, paragraph 3, is the ability of educators as part of the community to communicate and socialize effectively with students, fellow educators, education personnel, parents / guardians of students and surrounding communities. According to Achmad Sanusi (1991), social competence includes the ability to adapt to the demands of work and the environment when carrying out their duties as a teacher.

Professional teachers should be able to assume and carry out responsibilities as a teacher to students, parents, the community, nation, state and religion. Independent personal responsibility that is able to understand themselves, manage themselves, control themselves, and appreciate and develop themselves. Social responsibility is realized through the competence of teachers in understanding themselves as an inseparable part of the social environment and having the ability to interact socially.
Intellectual responsibility is realized through the mastery of various sets of knowledge and skills needed to support their duties. Spiritual and moral responsibility is manifested through the appearance of the teacher as a religious being whose behavior always does not deviate from religious and moral norms.

According to Djaman Satori (2007), social competence is as follows.
Skillfully communicate with students and parents of students.
Be sympathetic.
Can work together with the Board of Education / School Committee.
Good at hanging out with coworkers and educational partners.
Understand the world around it (the environment).
Meanwhile, according to Mukhlas Samani (2008: 6) what is meant by social competence is the ability of individuals as part of society that includes the ability to;
Communicate verbally, in writing, and / or cues.
Using communication and information technology functionally.
Associate effectively with students, fellow educators, educational staff, leaders of educational units, parents / guardians of students.
Associate politely with the surrounding community by heeding the norms and value systems that apply.
Apply the principles of true brotherhood and the spirit of togetherness.

Teacher Competency Standards Formulation
It has been stated that Teacher Competency Standards include 3 (three) competency components and each competency component consists of several competency units. Overall Teacher Competency Standards are as follows:

Competency Components of Learning Management and Educational Insights, which consist of,
Learning Management Competency Sub Components:

Develop learning plans
Carry out learning
Assess student learning achievement.
Carry out the follow-up of students' learning achievement assessment results.

Sub Components of Educational Insights Competency:
Understanding educational foundation
Understanding education policy
Understand the level of student development
Understanding the learning approach that fits the learning material
Implement cooperation in work
Utilizing the progress of science and technology in education
Academic / Vocational Competency Components, consisting of:
Mastering knowledge and skills according to learning material
Professional Development Competency Components consist of:
Develop a profession.

Teacher Competency Indicator
To get a more measurable picture of grading each competency, it is necessary to determine the performance of each competency. Competency performance is seen in the form of indicators, as shown in the appendix.