News Search Techniques and Examples of News Elements

News Search Techniques and Examples of News Elements
Examples of news elements 5w + 1h
Several tens of hectares of ponds and rice fields in Lamongan are flooded
Several tens of hectares of ponds and rice plants in two subdistricts in Lamongan, East Java were flooded due to the collapse of the Pelalangan river. This submerged ponds and rice paddies prevent farmers from making a profit. (what, where). Pelalangan river embankment in Plosowahyu Village, Lamongan District, East Java, Monday night (12/15/15) broke down after being hit by floods due to heavy rains that flushed the South Lamongan location. The river embankment collapsed to 10m. so that the water inundated several tens of hectares of ponds and rice plants in Lamongan and Turi Districts. (when, why) According to one farmer, the embankment started to break down around 21.00 WIB. Due to the overflow of Pelalangan river that is always overflowing. This dropout was the second time it had taken place. in fact, residents' homes were flooded. (how)
Some farmers in Plosowahyu Village feel uneasy because some dike points in their village have started to crack and break. They only hoped that the Lamongan Regency government would immediately repair the dykes so that farmers would not always be disadvantaged. (who) As a result of the floods that soaked ponds and rice plants, farmers suffered losses of up to millions of rupiah. (who)

News Terms
According to Zonamapel (June 2015), the news requirements are as follows:

1. Facts
That in a news, the information submitted must be based on facts or real and actual events on the ground.

2. Actual
That in the news must be the latest news means the distance between time and events must be close to the broadcasting time.

3. Balanced
In a news must be delivered in a balanced manner so that the listener or news reader can understand it well. Do not deliver news like in the presidential election which always makes news that is not objective and unbalanced. News must be truly original not biased or embellished by sources and does not affect readers

4. Complete
In compiling news must be really complete so that the news delivered can be clear and must meet the elements of the news.

5. Accurate
In making the news must be accurate and not made up, the composer of the news must directly ask or confirm to the parties concerned.

6. Systematic
In the contents of a story arranged in order and in delivering news, important news is placed at the beginning.

7. Interesting
In making news must be interesting, because news that is not interesting is not liked by the reader or listener. The most important news must be useful or beneficial for readers or listeners.

8. Easy
Understood in compiling news must use words that are clear and easy to understand.

News Search Techniques
In the process of finding news, we will learn some basic techniques. Keep in mind, these techniques cannot stand alone. This means that the process of finding news can be done by using several techniques simultaneously.