The Ideal Teacher Profile

The Ideal Teacher Profile
The ideal teacher profile is a person who dedicates himself based on the calling of the soul, the calling of conscience, not because of the demands of mere money, does not limit his duties and responsibilities not to the extent of the school wall. The community should not only demand teacher service, but teacher welfare must also be noted. Teachers with their glory, in carrying out their tasks not to be tired, rain and heat is not an obstacle for teachers who are full of dedication and loyalty to go down to school so that they can unite their souls in parting with their students. Teacher and student bodies may separate, but the souls of the two cannot be separated (dual).
Therefore in the mind of the teacher there is only one tip on how to educate students to become capable adult human beings who are capable and useful for religion, homeland and the nation in the future.
The position of teacher and student may be different, but both remain in line and one goal. Along with the meaning of commonality in achieving common goals students strive to achieve their ideals and the teacher willingly leads them to the front gate of ideals. That is perhaps the right attitude of the teacher as a noble personal figure. The teacher's obligation is to create a national khairunnas that is a good human being.
As humans who have personalities, the presence of teachers in the midst of society is a reality that is indeed needed by the community. The position of such a teacher's life will certainly get a diverse assessment of the surrounding world sometimes flattered and some are blamed. The role of the teacher receives wide attention from the community, this requires high dedication from people working in the world of teacher training. It is no exaggeration to suggest that failure in development stems from failure to develop education. It is no exaggeration to suggest that the failure of development stems from the failure of education.

The Role of Personality Competence
Personality competence has the role of making the teacher a guide, role model, example, role model, for students. With his personal competence, the teacher is not only as an educator and teacher but also as a place for students and the community to reflect. This is in line with what was stated by Ki Hajar Dewantoro in the Amongnya system that the teacher must "Ing ngarso sungtulodo, Ing madyo mangun karso, Tut Wuri handayani".
With personality competence, the teacher will be an example and role model, arouse student learning motivation and encourage / provide motivation from martial arts. Therefore, a teacher is required through attitudes and actions to make himself a role model and follow the people he leads. The teacher is not only a teacher, trainer and supervisor, but also as a mirror where students can look in the mirror.
In interpersonal relations between teachers and students created an educational situation that allows students to learn to apply the values that become examples and member examples. The teacher is able to be a person who understands students with all their problems, the teacher must also have the authority so that students are reluctant to do so. Based on the description above, the teacher's personality competency function is to provide examples and examples in guiding, developing creativity and arousing learning motivation.