Definition of Pedagogic Competition

Definition of Pedagogic Competition
Pedagogic competence is the ability that must be possessed by teachers regarding student characteristics seen from various aspects such as moral, emotional, and intellectual. This implies that a teacher must be able to master learning theories and learning principles, because students have different characters, traits, and interests. With regard to the implementation of the curriculum, a teacher must be able to develop a curriculum at the level of each educational unit and adapt it to local needs. Teachers must be able to optimize the potential of students to actualize their abilities in the classroom, and must be able to conduct assessments of learning activities that have been carried out.
Pedagogic comes from Greek namely paedos which means boy, and agogos which means to deliver, guide. So pedagogic literally helped an ancient Greek boy whose work took his master's son to school (Uyoh Sadullah). According to Prof. Dr. J. Hoogeveld (Netherlands), pedagogy is the study of the problem of guiding children towards certain goals, namely so that one day they are able to independently complete their life's tasks.
Langeveld (1980) distinguishes the term pedagogic from the term pedagogical. Pedagogic is defined as the science of education which emphasizes more on thinking and contemplation on education. While the term pedagogy means education that emphasizes more on practice, which involves educational activities, guiding children. Pedagogic is a theory that carefully, critically and objectively develops its concepts regarding human nature, the nature of children, the nature of educational objectives and the nature of the educational process.

The abilities that the teacher must possess regarding pedagogical aspects, namely:
Mastery of students' characteristics from physical, moral, social, cultural, emotional and intellectual aspects.
Mastery of learning theory and principles of learning that educate.
Able to develop curriculum related to the field of development that is being taught.
Carry out educational development activities.
Utilizing information and communication technology for the benefit of organizing educational development activities.
Facilitating the development of potential learners to actualize the various potentials they have.
Communicate effectively, empathically, and politely with students.
Conduct an evaluation and evaluation of the process and learning outcomes, utilizing the results of the assessment and evaluation for the benefit of learning
Reflective take action to improve the quality of learning.
 Pedagogical competence is the ability of teachers to manage learning, at least covering (1) understanding insight or educational foundation, (2) understanding of students, (3) curriculum / syllabus development, (4) learning design, (5) implementation of learning educate and dialogue, (6) the use of learning technology, (7) evaluation of the process and learning outcomes, and (8) the development of students to actualize the various potentials they have.
In general the term pedagogic (pedagogy) can give meaning as science and the art of teaching children. While the science of teaching for adults is andragogy. With this understanding, pedagogic is an educational approach based on a psychological review of children. Pedagogic approach estuary is to help students carry out learning activities. In its development, the implementation of learning can use a continuum approach, which starts from the pedagogical approach followed by the andragogy approach, or vice versa ie starts from the andragogical approach followed by pedagogy, as well as subsequent cycles; andragogy, andragogy, and so on.
Based on the understanding as mentioned above, what is meant by pedagogic is the science of children's education whose scope is limited to educational interactions between educators and students. While pedagaogic competence is a number of teacher abilities related to the science and art of teaching students.