Teacher Competency Standards

Teacher Competency Standards
Teacher Competency Standards Based on Law (FULL) - Teachers are one important element that must exist after students. If a teacher does not have a professional attitude then students who are students will find it difficult to grow and develop properly. This is because teachers are one of the foundation for the state in terms of education. With the existence of professional and qualified teachers, they will be able to produce quality national children as well. The key that must be possessed by every teacher is competence. Competence is a set of knowledge and teaching skills of teachers in carrying out their professional duties as a teacher so that the goals of education can be achieved properly.
Meanwhile, the competency standards set forth in the Minister of National Education's regulations regarding academic qualification standards and teacher competencies in which the regulation states that professional teachers must have 4 professional teacher competencies, namely pedagogic competence, social competence, intellectual and professional competence. Of the 4 professional teacher competencies that must be possessed by a teacher through professional education for one year.

Understanding Teacher Competence
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 Concerning Teachers and Lecturers states that competence is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be possessed, internalized, and mastered by the teacher or lecturer in carrying out professional duties. According to Finch & Crunkilton, (1992: 220) states "Competencies are those taks, skills, attitudes, values, and appreciation that are deemed critical to successful employment". This statement implies that competencies include tasks, skills, attitudes, values, and appreciation given in the context of successful living / living income.
This can be interpreted that competence is a combination of knowledge, ability, and application in carrying out tasks in the workforce.
Teacher competence related to the authority to carry out their duties, in this case in using the field of study as learning material that acts as an educational tool, and pedagogical competencies related to the function of teachers in paying attention to the behavior of students learning (Djohar, 2006: 130).
From the above understanding it can be concluded that teacher competence is the result of the merging of abilities of many types, which can be in the form of a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be possessed, internalized, and mastered by the teacher in carrying out his professional tasks. According Suparlan (2008: 93) added that the standard of teacher competency is divided into three interrelated components, namely the management of learning, professional development, and academic mastery.